I was supposed to post this tomorrow, but I simply couldn't control myself.
You might also notice I'm writing these sentences in paragraphs, so, there.
You're asking why I'm doing this?
Because I'm crazy.
Anyway, I made a model a few days ago about a scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. It is where a poor Will stumbles upon a parrot in a jungle, where he is looking for his friends so he can steal their most treasured possessions.
Will smiles at it. "Ah, a familiar face!"
The parrot squawks "Don't eat me!"
"I'm not going to eat you," Will lies easily.
It's kind of a simple scene, really. Just Will talking to a parrot in a dense jungle. So yeah.
A simple view of the back of Will and the model. I made the trees so you know that they are there, but I don't have the pieces to cover them with palm branches and even if I did, you wouldn't be able to see the scene. They're taller than that, anyway.
My favorite part of this scene is the foliage on the ground. I tried to make it as thick as possible, and I think it turned out pretty well.
It turns out that the Island De Pelegostos set is one of my favorites! I like the dead looking palm branches! You can see a way I have used this piece if you scroll past this next picture, pass the hideous pictures of that strange vehicle, and then there it is.
A basic shot of Will. He is my favorite minifig in the Pirates of the Caribbean line so far.
So that winds up this blog post. I hope you like this creation. Most likely, more POTC to come!!!!!
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